Clash of titans magi astrology
Clash of titans magi astrology

Jerbiton sought those of high cultural standards, even approaching Charlemagne. Diedne sought those who followed its religion. The Order grew rapidly, with the True Lineages recruiting apprentices organically, the Mystery Cults initiating recruits among the friendly and the other Houses by other means Merenita, not yet a Mystery Cult, recruited those who loved the wilderness. House Diedne was bonded by an ancient pagan religion, which it soon became the dominant force in. Each of the Founders established a House the current House Ex Miscellanea came later, and the thirteent at the start was House Diedne. The first magi are always the Twelve Founders, though there were thirteen Trianoma refused to be equal to the rest, claiming position beneath them in order to mediate struggles.

#Clash of titans magi astrology code

In 767, the thirteen wizards gathered in the Black Forest at Durenmar, swearing to the Code of Hermes and creating both the Order and the first Tribunal. The end result was the second great discovery of Bonisagus: the theory of Hermetic Magic. From each of the eleven who came, he learned something, and to each he taught the Parma Magica. From Verditius, he learned to bind magic into items, and from Merenita the art of binding animals by magic. He used the Cult of Mercury's traditions to develop Formulaic and Ritual magic, and from the druidic outcast woman Diedne he learned to create spontaneous magic. From the discussions they had, Bonisagus drew much knowledge. Some ran or hid, but others listened to her ideas and agreed to meet with Bonisagus. Her Parma Magica made her immune to their attacks, and her own power left many in no doubt that she could defeat them. Trianoma traveled across Europe to find the most potent wizards. (Much.) Bonisagus, already working on a unified theory of magic, was happy to just go along with Trianoma on this. It could make a society of magi possible, in which differences could be resolved and no one got murdered. However, it took Bonisagus' student, the already potent Trianoma, to realize the potential of the Parma. Behind a Parma Magica, you could talk to other Gifted without automatically starting to hate them, and with little fear of sudden attack. The first was the Parma Magica, a defense from magic which also shielded the user from the effects of others' Gifts. He made two discoveries, either of which would have made him a scholar remembered forever. He is, without doubt, the greatest magical genius ever to live.

clash of titans magi astrology

Jump to 300 years later, we meet Bonisagus, the founder of the Order. Magic entered a dark age, which it would take three centuries to emerge from. However, suspicions did grow within the Cult that some were hoarding to strike against the rest, and soon after the Western Roman Empire fell, the Cult tore itself apart. Last, the Cult of Mercury had a number of magical effects that could easily be taught or learned, even by someone who already knew many, so they had some motivation to share knowledge. Further, the Cult said that anyone who killed a member of the Cult would be hunted down and killed by the rest, which they enforced strictly to reduce the use of preemptive strikes. They managed, barely, to exist as a group of Gifted by not meeting in person often (and so avoiding the effects of the Gift), save for when they performed the great rituals that were their most potent tool. Finally, each wizard understood magic in a different, often incompatible way, and little could be shared easily.Įnter the Roman Cult of Mercury. Preemptive strikes were the order of the day. Second, no one had magic resistance, so whoever struck first usually won, and First, the Gift naturally encourages others - including other Gifted - to mistrust you. They didn't usually organize - there's three real reasons why. Often they ruled over those without the Gift for a while before the envy, suspicion and hatred caused by their tyranny and the natural effects of the Gift destroyed them. It's existed ever since civilization began - the Gifted, as magic-users are known, have always found ways to use it. They are more potent than any other single group of magic-users in the world, as far as they know, but they cannot hope to challenge, say, God.Īnyway, magic wasn't invented by the Order. There's around 1200 wizards total in the Order, divided into thirteen Tribunals across the continent. European wizards are organized, largely, into the Order of Hermes. The system is decent but not amazing or really exceptional in major ways.

clash of titans magi astrology clash of titans magi astrology

I'm going to be skimming the mechanics, largely because I want to make you fall in love with the setting. But hey, let's talk about wizard history. So, I'm going to try to be more concise than usual. Magical History posted by Mors Rattus Original SA post

Clash of titans magi astrology